
Investment Appraisal

  • High level site specific project analysis.
  • Strategic weather risk quantification.
  • Support to high level yield analysis.
  • Support to high level funding analysis.

Front End Engineering Design

  • Project strategy optioning and design.
  • Device & Balance of Plant technology selection.
  • Installation Strategy design.
  • O&M Strategy design.
  • Project Planning and Programming support.

Bid Creation

  • Develop project schedules.
  • Evaluate task durations for chosen vessels, ports, methods and processes.
  • Understand what the weather risk drivers are.
  • Gain a complete understanding of the potential weather delays.
  • Use the information to develop lumpsums, target prices, pain/ gain offerings.
  • Present detailed graphs and tables of analysis in support of proposals.
  • Have a detailed understanding of the weather risk to inform contract negotiations.

Bid Review

  • Simulate submitted schedules against hindcast weather data to evaluate actual durations.
  • Understand what the weather risk drivers are.
  • Gain a complete understanding of the potential weather delays.
  • Compare and contrast bid submissions. Which has the best weather risk profile?
  • Use the information to develop target prices and baselines.
  • Have a detailed understanding of the weather risk to inform contract negotiations.

Project Optimisation

  • Develop a project baseline based on initially selected vessels, ports, methods and processes.
  • Simulate the operation against hindcast weather data.
  • Evaluate task durations, identify the weather risk drivers.
  • Optimise the project – changeout vessels, ports, methods or processes.
  • Re-simulate and compare with the baseline.
  • Develop an optimised project with the lowest possible weather risk profile.
  • Make procurement and project decisions based on solid analysis – reduce the risk of project cost over runs.

Device Optimisation

  • Carry out installation and O&M methodology analysis to inform key design decisions.
  • Simulate installations and O&M campaigns against hindcast data to evaluate durations.
  • Use optimisation techniques to test different vessels, ports, methods or processes.
  • Understand the impact of design decisions on the weather risk profile associated with the required marine operations.
  • Make procurement and project decisions based on solid analysis – reduce the risk of project cost over runs, increase lifecycle yields.

Port & Vessel Selection

  • Develop a project baseline based on initially selected vessels and ports.
  • Include weather and tidal data for ports to be considered.
  • Set realistic weather limits for vessels including port arrival, site arrival, transit speeds, on station limits.
  • Simulate the operation against hindcast weather data.
  • Evaluate task durations, identify the weather risk drivers, understand the impact of port limits (lock in, height of tide etc).
  • Optimise the project – try different ports and vessels.
  • Re-simulate and compare with the baseline.
  • Develop an optimised project with the lowest possible weather risk profile.
  • Understand the balance between vessel capability, vessel cost, port distance form site, port limits and a low weather risk profile.

Weather Risk Insurance

  • Detailed analysis of projects to understand “weathered” durations.
  • Use of multiple years of hindcast data to understand the risk profile.
  • Repeatable analysis before and after claims.
  • P25, P50, P75, P80 and P95 durations all based on the range of simulated durations.
  • Detailed, and validated, analysis methodology gives a good estimate of the weather risk “tail”.
  • Ability to offer competitive premiums.